June 09 2019

This years graduation will be held on Saturday 15th of June. All parents/ carers with a child graduating will receive a letter with more information.



June 01 2019

During this block of forest kindergarten, the children have spent time getting to know the forest rules and becoming aware of the boundaries. The children have been working as team, socialising and working on their problem-solving skills. The children took part in a range of activities such as tree climbing, den building, learning to balance on the balancing rope and learning how to use the tree swing independently, searching for minibeasts and jumping in muddy puddles. During the first two weeks block it was Easter so the children took part in an Easter egg hunt where they searched the forest surroundings climbing up trees looking for eggs. The children used their imagination when using the natural resources in the forest to re-enact stories. During these experiences the children developed new vocabulary when threading with wool and string. The children used mallets to create their own houses using sticks and wool. The children have really enjoyed their time at forest kindergarten that much that they have came back to nursery and shared their experience with their peers.



May 23 2019

The nursery will be closed on the following date for the May bank holiday: Monday 27th May Thank you



May 12 2019

The aim of our home link bags are to support your child's learning and development and build links between the child's home environment and the nursery. There are a variety of home link bags available for you to take home and explore with your child. If you wish to to take a bag home for a week please select one from your childs age group on the wall and sign out the bag with Lia at reception. You can see some photos of our bags on our Facebook page. We only ask that you look after the bag and its contents whilst you have them and return them one week later will all the items listed



May 07 2019

Some of our staff, along with staff from Fullwood and Firtrees recently had the opportunity to participate in Makaton training. Makaton is a language programme designed to provide a means of communication to individuals who cannot communicate efficiently by speaking.



May 01 2019

The nursery will be closed on the following dates for the May bank holidays: Monday 6th May Monday 27th May Thank you



April 27 2019

Just a quick reminder that our spring fayre is on today from 10am-1pm. Look forward to seeing you all there.



April 15 2019

The nursery will be closed for the Easter bank holiday on: Friday 19th April And Monday 22nd April We will reopen at 8am on Tuesday 23rd April



April 02 2019

We would like to invite all the children in the nursery and Out of School to take part in our annual Easter bonnet competition. All bonnets must be in by lunch time on Thursday 18th of April. Thank you



March 24 2019

The staff from the Clyde Room would like to introduce you to Care Bear. Care Bear was sent to Bellwood Nursery by special delivery to teach all the boys and girls in the Clyde Room about how they can be caring to each other. Care Bear care guide encourages the children to be kind, to share, to listen, to look after the nursery toys, to use their indoor voices and to use their walking feet indoors. When the children follow Care Bears guide to being caring they will receive a reward sticker. The children have had lots of fun getting to know Care Bear.


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