Vision, Values & Aims
We aim to create a safe, stimulating and happy environment where each child feels cared for and valued.We aim to use a child lead approach which focuses on each child as an individual to encourage motivation and enthusiasm for learning.We will work in partnership with you and your family to provide your child with every possible chance to reach their full potential. We aim to create positive link with both our local and wider community.
Children in our Under 3’s
The staff teams in the Under 3 section plan using the local document Effective Early Development & Learning and the National document Pre Birth to Three Positive Outcomes for Scottish Children.
Our staff will welcome your child individually to ensure they feel safe, secure and happy. We will work with you to share in your child’s growth and development.The staff will look closely at Relationships: Emotional Well Being and Social Competence, Communication, Curiosity, Movement and Co-Ordination.
A Curriculum For Excellence for the 3-5's
The staff teams in the 3-5 areas plan using A Curriculum for Excellence. We strive to enable our children to become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors.
Our children enjoy and are actively involved in learning through play. They are fully engaged, highly motivated and interact well during activities.
Our centre uses imaginative and appropriate methods to ask children about their learning. Our curriculum starts with the needs of the individual child and builds on their interests and experiences. We use a wide range of learning environments and teaching approaches which are challenging, motivating and purposeful.
Meeting Children's Needs
We will support each individual child to ensure that they reach their full potential. Should any child have a barrier to their learning due to their learning environment, family circumstances, disability/ health needs or social/emotional factors then our staff will support their learning through planning.
Our centre fully involves parents and carers and partner services in identifying, reviewing and evaluating children’s needs. Our staff will implement effectively current legislation and advice relating to children who require additional support
We understand that change has a huge impact on children and their families and therefore we continuously strive to develop systems to ensure there are smooth transitions in place. When your child first comes to nursery they will be given a number of settling in visits to get to know the rooms, staff and other children and the routine before initially starting. When you child moves area parents are informed and shown around the next area and introduced to the new key worker. A report is completed and given to the new key worker in lines with the move.
Before your child starts school the staff may visit the teacher or the teacher may come to the Nursery to discuss the child in detail. A transition record is completed by your child’s key worker which all parents contribute to. This is then forwarded onto school to enable the teacher to build on your child’s previous learning.