Vision, Values & Aims
We aim to create a safe, stimulating and happy environment where each child feels cared for and valued.We aim to use a child lead approach which focuses on each child as an individual to encourage motivation and enthusiasm for learning.We will work in partnership with you and your family to provide your child with every possible chance to reach their full potential. We aim to create positive link with both our local and wider community.
Application Form
Application forms can be obtained in person at nursery reception or requested by telephone on
01698 230455. This is for parents who wish to attend Bellwood Nursery on a private childcare place. We will soon have the availability to download a Nursery Child Application form via our web site.
On receipt, applications will be processed by the Nursery Manager and the child allocated to the relevant nursery area in accordance to their age and stage of development. If a place is not available in the nursery a letter will be sent out asking for permission for their child to be placed on the waiting list. Parent/Carers will be informed when a place becomes available.